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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lavender and Rosemary Hair Rinse

Washing your hair everyday is not only unnecessary, but can be very damaging. Some people are lucky enough to wake up with their hair looking great or at least fixable. I am not that girl. I need to at least wet the hair, but I would like to also freshen it up a bit. I found this site about a trend of going "no poo" which is just a hysterical way of saying I'm no longer washing my hair. You still get to clean your hair, just not with harsh shampoos. It's very natural and healthy. Not to mention cheaper. If I'm being completely honest, I do still wash my hair with actual shampoo (I hope this does not tarnish your opinion of me). But I love to incorporate the idea of "no poo" into my routine to give my hair a break. I only use shampoo about once a week. For instructions on going "no poo" click here. I, of course, will have to add some essential oils. Here's my version of "no poo"...1 cup baking soda, 5 drops lavender, 4 drops rosemary. You can dissolve this in warm water and make a rinse, or just take the lazy way...put a handful on your wet head, rub it in, then rinse.

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